I Am Not a Politician

963.4Comment: When you started teaching, you taught your students pure Kabbalah without any examples. But in recent years, it seems like you have moved in a direction that is pro-political.

My Response: No, it has nothing to do with politics. To me talking to socialists, liberals, democrats, or anyone else is all the same. These are little human toys.

I tell them how they should use the current state of nature, which they are completely powerless against and do not understand, and that they must acquire a completely different approach to life in this world. What difference does it make to me who they are? It is not politics. Politics is if I stand between them. But I do not get involved in that!

Maybe it looks that way because people are used to calling anyone who talks about the state of the world and society a politician.

But I am definitely not a politician. To me, they are all absolutely the same! Lost sheep who have always acted according to their egoism. And today, they are not able to govern our world because another additional force has emerged in the world—the altruistic force. So, something must be done. So I explain to them how.

I simply talk about what I see in the world without leaning toward one side or another or a third. Absolutely! Because no one will solve anything in this anyway. The solution can only come through correcting our attitude toward the world, toward nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalah, Politics and Religion” 9/3/11

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