Nature Protects the Science about Itself

221.0Question: Baal HaSulam wrote the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” after the Second World War as one of the four prefaces to The Book of Zohar.

Answer: Yes, this material is very difficult to present, especially in such an accessible way as he did.

Question: Why don’t people study it? After all, he described it in the late 40’s of the 20th century. Many years have passed since then.

Answer: This information is practically impossible to apply anywhere except within a man himself. And nobody wants to do it. If only it could be used to make money.

Question: I still do not understand. People study many things which do not provide them with an income. I am not talking about changing oneself, because it is very difficult to change your nature, but just to read it as a source of information, as something important. After all, Baal HaSulam describes the creation of desire in such simple language for the first time! Why are his works not studied anywhere?

Answer: Because people think they do not need them. They are very far from them as if the material is happening somewhere in the sky, not on earth.

Question: However, materials relating to Egyptian mummies, for example, are researched at universities, and what is not made of them? And here, specifically, things are explained in such a language…

Answer: This is done on purpose so that people do not have a specific desire for this, and anyone who wants to would not grab and poke around in it. Nature protects this science about itself on purpose.

Kabbalah is the science about the foundations of nature. Therefore, nature protects it in order to open it only when humanity wants to renounce the picture of nature that we imagine today and to really understand that it needs to change in order to save itself and the world.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/16/23

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