Movement within Three Points

161Question: You often throw us from one end to the other. First you say we should be working on ourselves, then you say to work with people outside of our group, and then back to ourselves and round again. Is it done so that a person would not get stuck in one place?

Answer: No work should be left out for us because we are moving within the three points. It is like aiming a rifle when the eye has to be on the same line with the sight and the target; we should apply exactly the same principle. Our heart, meaning my desires, the desires of the group, of the world, and the upper stage of creation, which we call the Creator, have to be on one line. Based on this you should always look further.

For a person who is not yet even at the minimal attainment of the entire universe, his “me,” the entire humanity, and the Creator (the upper level of nature) do not align. He is unable to look in front of him at the nearest point and the farthest point simultaneously. He cannot! They are different for him; this is me and this is society.

However when he’s at least at the first rung he can see that “me” and society are the same thing, and then he can also see the Creator, the common force of bestowal that begets, holds, and fulfills the entire creation. That is when this is normal for him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You contradict a Lot” 8/27/11

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