In All Languages of the World

276.05Question: If I can read Hebrew a little, but I make a mistake in pronunciation, can I read Psalms and the Torah? There is an opinion that if you pronounce words in Hebrew incorrectly, it can do harm.

Answer: Neither you nor anyone else can harm themselves no matter how they read and distort the text. Feel free to open the book in Hebrew and read.

Of course, it is better to do it in Hebrew, but it is also good to read in your native language. Psalms have been translated into all languages of the world. Everyone can find a canonical translation for themselves and read it.

Question: What translation of Psalms is in the archive of the Kabbalah academy?

Answer: I once translated them into Russian and did the adaptation of some Psalms, the way I think they should sound. I recommend you read it. But there is a perfectly clear official version of Psalms in Hebrew.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/3/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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The Psalms Of King David
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