Mother Tongue

543.02Question: Most people know some other language in addition to their native one. Why can a person never master a foreign language at the same level as his native language even if he is fluent at it?

Answer: It is because the original information is written within us in the native language like for example in a computer: every program is written in English and after that other languages are added to it. Exactly in the same way the original programs are written within us. This is why it is called “mother tongue.” A person receives it from his mother. You cannot escape it!

Comment: Even when people have lived in another country for a long time and have learned let’s say English or French, it is still easier for them to express themselves in their native language.

Answer: Of course, this is the way the person has recorded his perception of the world: this is called red, this is yellow, this is so and so, and so forth. This information is initially written within him. However, the second and third layers, other languages come to him as additional ones, and they are based on the first language called mother tongue.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mother Tongue” 9/21/11

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