The Power of Integration

962.7Question: The modern Internet is built on several principles: communication, networking, information exchange, and the opportunity to present oneself to others. By creating a new type of reality, are we using the same principles but under a different vector, a different depth, or do we want to offer something cardinally new?

Answer: In principle, we want to reform the web network.

The fact is that today all of humanity exists in virtual space. Therefore, we need to communicate with the people in it and gradually explain how to better organize this space because today everything depends on communication.

If at the beginning everything depended on leaders, kings, emperors, then on industry, various innovations, scientists, and in the last stage of postmodern development it was believed that everything depended on money and bankers, today it is all gone.

Not father-kings, great emperors, governments, physical force, nor the power of money have any power today. We are approaching the so-called power of the people.

What does it mean? Everything has become integral, meaning there is no such thing that someone has a special power. We see this example in all countries—there is no way to influence people, there is no way to rule the world. The world is becoming self-governed, society has closed on itself, it has become integral.

Previously, it was individual, meaning an individual could look down on others and do with them what he wanted, either by himself, through an army, through some other force, through the government, or through money by giving to these, but not to those.

Today, this does not exist.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Internet” 7/16/11

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