Kabbalah Does Not Deal with the Animate Level

49.01Question: There are hypnosis sessions where a person goes into his past lives. What does he feel during that?

Answer: I have not done it and I do not know how true it is. But in principle, everything is possible. But I do not believe in such sessions. What past life? Animate? What is in it?

Comment: For example, he is told in a session that in some incarnation he was so-and-so or such-and-such.

My Response: So what if he was? Let’s say in the last incarnation you were a projectionist in the village, the first guy in the village. What is next?!

Question: There are also cases where someone is being sought through hypnosis. Why do we need hypnosis at all?

Answer: Do you think I am hiding something from you? Hypnosis also exists in animals: how they hypnotize each other, how they affect each other. But Kabbalah does not deal with the animate level.

Question: But is there a spiritual root?

Answer: Of course there is! At all levels all this is included in one single system. But why engage in it?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Power of Hypnosis” 7/24/11

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