Mismatch between Internal and External

549.02Question: According to statistics, the Jews have a great predisposition for psychological abnormalities. Why?

Answer: Frankly speaking, I do not know of such statistics. Maybe there is some predisposition to this, because on one hand the Jews have a great internal preparation for the perception of spiritual reality, which comes from the fact that it was already realized in some past incarnations.

But on the other hand this preparation is not in use today, and that leads to some inconsistency between the internal capabilities of a person and the external, rather limited world.

If at the same time a person is engaged in science, art, etc., he achieves great success. But, in principle, his inner potential is not utilized and not realized because there is no connection between him and the world in which he lives unless he receives the Kabbalistic methodology.

If inner content remains unrealized, it is natural that all sorts of problems may arise here. I do not know the statistics, but it is quite possible that there is such a thing.

After all, the more primitive a person is, the less developed mentally, socially, and economically, and he is not under pressure, the easier it is for him. If we take the same statistics between urban and rural residents, or between ordinary people and those who are engaged in science, then it is natural that the higher the person gets, the more problems there are within him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Brain of a Madman” 7/12/11

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