In Spirituality, the Main Thing Is Quality

281.02Comment: We get new people in the world group all the time, some of them disappear somewhere, but there is always some kind of backbone that practically does not change.

My Response: I do not control it, it does not depend on me. I give what I give. A person listens. If it is close to a person’s soul and it has already developed to such a level that he can continue further, then he stays; if not, he leaves.

If he can annul himself a little in front of a group that has already been formed, he stays; if not, he spins in outer orbits, he comes once every couple of months for holidays or congresses, virtually participates in some kind of communication, and that is all. There are many of them; I do not count them.

I am not interested in quantity at all. In spirituality, the most important thing is quality. That is why I go forward all the time, dragging the others with me, pushing them; I see my main job in this. After all, what you put into others remains and does not die with the death of the human body. It goes further in the entire cycle of souls and brings all mankind closer to the goal. This is the most important work.

In addition, we do the same work at the level of the broad masses of the population; that is, we distribute  the science of Kabbalah in a more acceptable form for them. The Internet and social networks are ripe for this.

We see that more and more people agree with us, understand that this is necessary, and that in this way they are given a very serious opportunity to advance to the extent of their participation in the distribution of our materials in virtual networks. They will really be able to advance because they really participate in the unification of the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Millions” 7/23/11

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