How to Deceive the Creator?

608.02Question: How can one fulfill the Creator’s program without feeling satisfied as a result?

Answer: Why not feel satisfied? You have to be satisfied and you have to be in joy from it. Only joy should be the result of the action of bestowal! Joy from the feeling that you are in others, that you bestow to them, and that you are for them, and in this you are like the Creator!

Comment: But there is such a formula when you do it so that the Creator won’t even know.

My Response: The Creator knows everything! But I have to tune myself as much as possible to bestow and therefore I imagine that I am doing an action that even He does not know about.

It is impossible, but I have to imagine it so that this action will not be egoistic and instead is outside of me, not for myself.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to deceive the Creator? 10/8/09

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