Harmful Pity

549.02Question: You say that we should not feel sorry for a person when he receives blows; otherwise, he will not overcome them. How can we find the line between feeling sorry for him and pulling him out of the descent?

Answer: You can pull a person out of a descent, but very carefully so as not to harm him. You understand that the descents are given to him so he can rise from them, begin to feel new states, and master his next one. If this does not happen to him, then it is a pity.

In no case should you help him. You should help him only so that the process he is going through really happens correctly, that is, to bring him closer to friends and contact with others, to give him the opportunity to understand the meaning of what is happening so that he treats his descent correctly, realizing that a descent is not a descent, but the acquisition of a new egoism above which he must now rise.

Comment: When people use this method, it seems that in principle, they do not feel what they are doing.

My Response: We all are in different states. There are people who are beginners, and there are still those who do not understand. There is nothing you can do.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Harmful Pity” 8/22/11

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