According to a Spiritual Source

200.02All laws of Judaism come from Kabbalah, which has fallen into our world and somehow left its imprint in it especially in terms of social mutual support.

In any country, anyone can be a street child, except for Jewish children. There is no such thing! The people are educated to take care of children so much that you just cannot leave them on the street.

Let’s say you arrange a wedding after which you have 50% of the food left, you have no right to throw this food away until the poor come and take with them everything they want.

You have no right to harvest the entire crop from the field because you have to leave the so-called peah. Peah (paces, remnants), the strands of hair that descend from the sides of the head of religious men symbolize the light of Hochma descending from the head into the body.

Therefore, it is forbidden to pick up from the ground the fruit that has fallen from a tree. You may only pick them from the tree, and what is under the tree is not yours, but is for the poor. Before you eat challah (bread), you should cut a piece for the benefit of the poor. All these laws of the separation of tithes from each part come from Kabbalah.

I think that over time humanity will begin to apply them based not on Judaism, but from a spiritual source.

Direct internal correction will make them think and care about others, and therefore, they will behave this way regardless of any factors.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Prison” 8/16/11

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Moving Away from the Automatic Fulfillment of the Commandments
Laws Emanating from the Spiritual World
The Principle Of Tithing

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