The Leadership of the English Language

409Question: Why did the English language actively spread in the world?

Answer: This is a consequence of age-old conquests. At one time, Greeks had the dominant position in the world, then the Spaniards with the Portuguese, then the British.

When the British appeared on the historical stage, they had a well-developed fleet, their ships could reach India and other distant places.

The French were weaker in this area, but still there was great competition between England and France for the conquest of America. The British could not fight for South America since the Spaniards had already settled there and a serious war was underway for North America.

As for the language, there was a big debate in America about which language to take as its basis: German or English. Many were inclined in favor of the German language because Germany was a very developed country.

All kings, including the English ones, were from Germany, which supplied the rulers to the world.

Therefore, most of the kings of England did not know English and spoke only German.

But as a result of the fight between the Germans and the British for power in America, the victory was for the British, so the English language took the lead. Since America began to actively develop, the English language began to spread rapidly around the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Dominance of America” 5/15/11

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