Why Did English Become an International Language?

426Question: Why was English chosen as the language of international communication?

Answer: At one time England fought with Germany for the spread of influence on the American territory, and such prerequisites were created that the German language was supposed to prevail. As a result, today we would have seen the whole world speaking German.

But the upper management took such a turn that the world went along the English branch of culture, although it is not far from the German one. It is just more open, less closed.

The Germans wanted to enslave everyone by force, and the British, basically, planted their own culture, their own language, and therefore, they spread in a completely different way. The Germans did not have a goal to discover new lands and settle there. Their goal was only to enslave and crush.

And the English attitude to the world, to the discovery of new lands, was more preferable and softer, and therefore it prevailed. As a result, English is closer to being corrected as an international language than German.

And where is the German language used except for Germany itself and some countries around it? Nowhere. And this despite the fact that German culture has always prevailed in Europe. English, Austrian, and Hungarian kings were from Germany. In the end, these are all Germanic peoples.

Previously, there were a lot of all kinds of Germanic tribes that united not so long ago. But today it doesn’t matter anymore.

Question: What is the next, correct way to merge?

Answer: Now there will no longer be a path of unity across peoples, nationalities, and languages. The next path is a general forced unification, from which we cannot escape.

And Kabbalah will spread spiritually as a spiritual culture. People will be drawn to it no matter where they are because, due to their inner need, they will feel that they need it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. English Language” 6/2/12

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