Ordinariness Kills Spirituality

533.02Question: What causes the transformation of the Kabbalist students into ordinary Hasidim? Is it because of habit?

Answer: Yes, habit becomes second nature. A person gets used to it. He has a schedule, he has a group. Everything is organized around him: all problems and all good deeds. Life flows automatically.

And this philistinism kills spirituality. It is pleasant. It is stable. And if someone is against it, then such a person is not loved.

Question: What is the way out in this case?

Answer: Excite yourself and each other in any way in order to somehow wake up! After all, a group without a teacher is always a catastrophic transition for it, if it is saved at all. I do not want to say anything about the students of Rabash, in what condition they are today, but all this can be seen.

And even when Baal HaSulam died, and he had five to six students at the time, everyone except Rabash simply drooped: they sat separately, read psalms, and did not gather together.

The same thing happened with the former students of Rabash, whom I brought to him as young guys. I heard that sometimes they get together with two or three people on holidays. This is what it is. They are practically all alone. Everyone minds their own business.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Teacher” 4/30/11

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