Move Away from the False Perception of Life

537Question: Why do we believe that there are reincarnations of souls?

Answer: What does reincarnations mean? We are a single thought, one collective soul. This thought remains. This soul remains. Nothing changes. Only the picture we imagine changes; meaning, we do not exist in the thought itself, but in this picture as an imprint of that thought within it.

In other words, I have a soul that is a thought, and there is a body or our world that is a picture that is currently being shown to me.

We live in some kind of illusionary, imagined world. Actually, it does not exist. It is projected to us from various projectors, and we exist in this holographic or laser image, which is as if suspended in the air, in space.

But all this is projected by thoughts. Gradually, we need to move away from our false perception of life.
And when the question about the meaning of life awakens in us, it means that we are beginning to become human. We begin to connect with the thought.

Question: You describe the influence on me of these projectors, thoughts, and everything else that shapes my perception. I understand that, but why does material perception prevail in me?

Answer: Because you must connect back through the thread to your projector that projects you onto this world by yourself by reaching your root or locking onto it at least to some extent, and begin to understand the meaning of your life, influence how this projector will now shape you in our world, and gradually gravitate toward it.

Question: Is it impossible and even undesirable for a person to build it all in his fantasies, i.e., to play along?

Answer: Why not? Let him play. I only welcome it. Movies like The Matrix and others nevertheless develop our imagination by showing us that there are possibilities of states in the world that gradually bring people closer to the probability of these possibilities.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a Person’s ‘I’?” 4/16/11

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