Is It Possible to Change the Influence of the Reshimot?

963.4Question: If a person suffers in this life, is it karma for bad actions in a previous life?

Answer: Reshimot, memories, records of the past, put pressure on a person and determine his present and future. But a person, by his behavior, can change the influence of these records from the past and make sure that they are perceived positively in the present. It all depends on us.

Question: What are these records, which in Kabbalah are called Reshimot?

Answer: They are information about past actions.

Question: Is there a Reshimo from future actions?

Answer: Since there are no future actions yet, there is no Reshimo. We have only assumptions about future actions.

Question: Where is this information data recorded, these Reshimot from the past?

Answer: They are written on our desires, which is called in our soul.
From KabTV’s “Blitz of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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