Feel the World through Others

237Question: What does it mean to feel through the desires of another? Let’s say I want ice cream now. Do you connect to me and feel that I want ice cream? How does this happen?

Answer: We are not talking about animalistic desires. I am included in you not at the material level but at the level of the conjugation of souls, spiritual needs.

At the earthly level, this exists to some extent, but no one is doing it because we have to provide each other with a reasonable, essential existence.

Question: I do not feel my part of the soul, but you do. How exactly does the connection process work?

Answer: You do not feel it because the level of our animal (material) existence is disconnected from the spiritual. These are completely different levels.

Animal existence is built only on the maintenance of the physical body, which in principle has nothing to do with the soul. And the soul is a filling for the sake of inclusion in each other.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Feel the World through Others” 5/7/11

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