Why Do We Need the Upper World?

276.02Comment: You once said that if there were no desire to receive, then we simply would not perceive each other because we feel everything based on benefits, what I will get out of it. In this case, egoism plays a huge role and thanks to it we feel each other.

My Response: But this same egoism also limits us; we see and feel only what is beneficial to us. We do not feel the universe as it exists, a vast universe that includes all worlds, all forces, all fields, all of space. This space is not lifeless, but for us, it is empty.

Let’s say there is a couple of thousand kilometers between you and me right now—a void. Or it feels the same between me and some star. But this is not emptiness; I just do not perceive and feel this space because for me it does not exist.

There is no empty space. We learn in Kabbalah that everything is desire, but it is of a kind that I am not interested in. I was created in such a way that I do not notice it, it does not matter to me. It is not that it is bad or good; it is just that I am created that way. Just like you would say: “I am walking around a big city, but I do not notice anyone around me, just emptiness.”

The method of Kabbalah is to develop a sense of the real environment in a person, and through it he will understand what kind of force created and holds the entire universe, what for, and how.

As he begins to understand this, he will be equalized with this force, adapt to it and to everything that it fills. As a result, he will not only absorb it, not only compare his properties, but he will be able to control it; that is, he will be at the highest point of the entire universe. We must come to this.

You may ask, “Isn’t this world enough for a person? Why does he need another, higher world?”

It is in order to own everything, control everything, consist of everything, and eventually rise to the level of the Creator and be in a state of full bestowal and love. This inversion is incomprehensible to us because you can reduce your egoism to the state of an inanimate object and live without thinking about anything.

However, nature is designed so that you reach the maximum, but in this maximum you work for the service of others, for the maintenance of life in everyone and everything—like the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to see the other world?” 12/1/12

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