When There Is Not Enough Voluminous Vision

528.02Question: I perceive everyone as disconnected from the Creator. And the group is the mechanism that pushes me to Him. How does this mechanism work when you give them spiritual information?

Answer: We will not understand this until we reveal the true vision of the universe.

Now we are working as if with one eye. When we open both eyes, a three-dimensional image will appear. This is what is happening to us today compared to the feeling of another level.

We lack voluminous, inner vision. Therefore, Baal HaSulam called his writing on The Study of the Ten Sefirot inner observation.

Question: Why do I see those who are yearning for the Creator as disconnected, as the same as I am?

Answer: These are parts of your soul that broke away from you that have received an opportunity to independently aspire to Him. Everything is done to make your correction easier. This is how you should see others.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Be Closer to the Creator?” 12/3/12

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