How Many Should Be in the Group?

528.02Question: In Kabbalah, two people are considered a Minyan (group); they also make up the ten Sefirot. On one hand, there are at least two, and on the other hand, is it desirable that there are 10 people?

Answer: Two people are necessary in order to be able to understand what it means to exit yourself. For this exit to be really outside of oneself, it takes ten people. Then they form a common system.

But in principle, ten is not necessary. We just want everything to be similar to the spiritual system. In fact, it can be two, three, or five people; it does not matter. The main thing is that there should be someone outside of you on whom you can work out a way out of yourself.

As a person goes out of a space capsule into space, in the same way you should be able to go out into another. For this, the other must exist. He must be in a certain contact with you, in a certain connection, in mutual assistance, so that you can do it.

Question: Should a person do this actively so that everyone can see or is his presence enough?

Answer: Yes and no. It depends on what kind of person, at what time, in what era, and with what kind of egoism. It is not easy.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How many people should be in the group?” 12/22/12

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