Clothing into Others

938.01Question: How can you clothe yourself in the many alien images that you see?

Answer: When you clothe yourself in other people’s images, you begin to feel that they are better, perfect, or at least at the level of perfection, and at the same time you see their manifestation on the earthly level. You already feel two levels in them and then you justify people.

Question: Is there any limit to how much I can interfere in another person’s life?

Answer: You can only set an example for another person. It is most important! Beside the example, you help him along the way. Nothing else.

You cannot point him toward anything, urge him, or pull him even in a good way. This is what I always talk about as a necessary attitude toward our dissemination—only the passive distribution of material!

To the extent that a person rejects or is attracted to our material, there is a continuation of his advancement. He should do it himself! There is no any other way!

You can also unobtrusively show him an example of how much you are drawn to the goal, how much you desire it. Let him, if he can, be inspired by it. But only in this way, without affecting him in any way! This is our external influence.

As for internal influence, you are the complete master there. Feel him within yourself and try to completely fill him with your content.
“From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Clothing into others”

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