Great Opportunities

226We need to quickly reshape a person’s view of the world, and educate and raise them.

Religions, on the contrary, make people closed, fanatical, and encourage not taking anything into account: “Follow all these traditions and the future world is guaranteed to you, but on this earthly level, let be whatever will be.”

But there is no future world! The animal body dies, nothing remains of it. And a person does not have a soul if he or she has not yet attained the Creator’s properties—bestowal and love. This is the property in a human that is called the soul.

People do not understand those great opportunities when one can really become a person of eternity. Otherwise, it does not work.

Either you just live in a protein body that dies, decomposes into its original elements, and that’s it. Or while in the physical body, one acquires something new—spiritual existence, which you develop, pass into, and live in. And even when your body is dying, you do not think about it; it is as if you simply cut your hair or nails because they are of a lower level, vegetative or animate, compared to you—a person.

You are already at the next level, in the next dimension. This is the opportunity that everyone has! Why should we look under our feet when we can look at the sky? People do not understand it.

They are not afraid of wars, destruction, or suffering. They somehow support each other and forget: “Come what may. Another day has passed and it is good.”

Moreover, they pass it off as maturity, as a realistic approach to life, as strength, and pride, and they arrange all kinds of competitions of who is stronger, like wild animals in a fight for a female. But when it comes to animals, it is an instinct both to preserve and to pass on the correct genotype from generation to generation. There it makes sense! And here, for what?

Question: Why does the Creator arrange such cloudy minds for people?

Answer: It is a transition from one state to another. Birth always occurs with the fetus inverting: its head was up, it must turn down, and again, when born turn up.

Birth is such a turning point, a bifurcation, that changes everything. And when you approach it, you become insane because you must move away from your past state and come to the future. This transition is very dusky and very problematic. This is the problem of the birth of a new humanity.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the human soul?” 6/16/12

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Spiritual Birth
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