Will The Dead Be Used for Fertilizer?!

600.02In the News (The Guardian): “New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul…legalized natural organic reduction, popularly known as human composting or terramation, after death.

“In most cases, the deceased is placed into a reusable, semi-open vessel containing suitable bedding – wood chips, alfalfa or straw – ideal for microbes to go about their work. At the end of the process, a heaped cubic yard of nutrient-dense soil, equivalent to 36 bags of soil is produced that can then be used as fertilizer….

“‘For a lot of folks being turned into soil that can be turned to grow into a garden or tree is pretty impactful,’ Spade told the Associated Press.”

My Response: Do you want to be made into a mummy, as a pharaoh? There is no need. It is better this way.

Question: How do you feel about the fact that a person leaves like this, with such a thought, and his body decomposes?

Answer: If we think about it a little bit, we will accept it with pleasure. I’m going back to nature. That’s correct, that’s good. Let people know and think about it.

Question: What about the fact that it was in the Jewish tradition all the time to bury in a way so that the body decomposes quickly? Was this also because complete decomposition is necessary?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: In other traditions, there is a great worship of the body.

My Response: No, the opposite is true here, it is necessary that nothing remains of the body. Utilize it.

Question: Why? Is there any basis for this?

Answer: Serve the world normally by returning to global nature.

Question: A simple answer, just like that?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/12/23

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