The Essence of the Egyptian Exile

294.1Today the whole world is beginning to feel the Egyptian exile, that we are all in the grip of dark forces, our character, our nature, which simply kills us and kills everything. This is Pharaoh, the dark force that rules over us.

If we begin to feel that it is not the egoistic force, but the force of bestowal, love, connection, and altruism as the highest and greatest for us, then we will demand an exodus from this exile, we will begin to do something, and we will be able to attract another force upon ourselves called the general force of nature or the Creator. It specially created this environment for us so that we would want to choose it out of two forces, and would appreciate the importance of bestowal and love over anger, reception, and egoism.

This is the meaning of the Egyptian exile, which the whole world is beginning to feel as we see that its egoism is destroying it. The world will continue to reveal this evil, but it will not be able to do anything. People will die, spoil nature, make their children and grandchildren die before their eyes, the most precious thing they have, and they will not be able to do anything; so much their ego will push them to death.

What the Jewish people once went through can be repeated all over the world on an even larger scale. A person will be muzzled until he understands that only his nature is evil, and only the exit out of it, the rise above the qualities of greed, envy, jealousy, pride, vanity, and cruelty (in general, everything that characterizes egoism) will give him the opportunity to continue to exist. Then he will be ready to give everything for the sake of rising above the ego.

But this is not enough since this is the same egoism, only in a different form, self-love. In addition to the recognition of evil, one also has to go through the state of the recognition of the greatness of the quality of bestowal, that is, to attain the plus in addition to the minus, that the quality of bestowal in itself is great, good, and carries some upper value. But what value if not for the sake of egoism?

But here a force called “light” begins to act inside of me. This force gives me a sense of the importance of the goal because it is dear to me. The path to it is not in my egoism, but in altruism.

It is similar to how in our world a person has some idea, which is absolutely abstract and has no practical use, but it is so dear to him that he is ready to give his life for it. This is such an idea and such a feeling that appears in a person, it is not from our world.

He begins to understand that the quality of bestowal is special in itself. It elevates and carries the upper value! When such a feeling comes, a person is ready to get out of the control of his egoism, and not because he feels bad, but because the quality of bestowal, as he feels, is the highest one.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Miracle of Birth” 4/7/12

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