Proper Handling of Money

49.01Question: Why are Jews among the richest?

Answer: Because they know how to handle money correctly, and have for thousands of years.

Question: What does it mean to handle money correctly?

Answer: To earn, to keep, to save, to turn money into a bank-type enterprise, and so on. That is what they can do. But it takes a long time to learn.

Question: And this can be learned?

Answer: I think Jews are not the best in this matter, but life forced them. They could not sit in one place, they could not work and create large enterprises because they were taken away from them, set on fire, smashed.

Therefore, they had only one opportunity left—to work with money. A lot is written about this. I believe that this is what led them to a relatively independent material well-being.
From KabTV’s “Blitz of Questions and Answers” 1/6/23

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