Preparation for the Desert

750.03What does it mean to prepare for the desert? This means that I am ready to go into the darkness with my group after my teacher no matter how difficult and unclear it may be. This is the path in the desert.

There is desert and night around me, meaning it is unknown how, where, and with the help of what to go.

If I want to reach the connection with the upper force, with the Creator, I should not ask for guarantees. I just keep moving forward despite all the difficulties that arise before me.

The desert means that I have nothing to revive my soul with, there is no food or water. It is clear that during the day I suffer from the heat under the scorching sun, and at night from the cold; these are harsh conditions. Yet it is possible to live in the desert; people live in the desert. Therefore, it is necessary to continue despite the conditions. These conditions are specially given to us from above to help us discover the quality of bestowal and become similar to the Creator.

There is no past and no future, there is only the present moment in which I adhere to the Creator with all my strength.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Following the Creator in the Desert”

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