“Follow Me in the Desert”

747.01Thus says the Lord, “I remember in your favor the kindness of your youth, your bridal love, your following me in the desert, in a land that is not sown.” This is written about the assembly of Israel, Malchut, when she was walking with the people of Israel in the desert (Zohar for All, Emor, “The Holiday of Sukkot,” Item 275).

Malchut is all desires that want to be corrected and reach the degree of Keter.

The desert is the entire path from Malchut to Keter, which we have to go through and ascend relative to the connection between us by uniting more and more. When we reach Keter, we become like one whole, as it is said: “The Creator is one and His Name is one.”

This is the path we have to go through. On this path of ascent from Malchut to Keter, all the events that the Torah tells us about happen to us. It is necessary to walk on the land that is not sown, on which nothing grows, on which no one has walked, sowed anything, or succeeded in anything. Yet you are walking on it because you want to come to the house of the Creator; you are following His instructions: “Follow Me.”

We are walking through a desert land where there are no signs of life, there is nothing to feed from, and there is no food (light of Hochma) and no water (light of Hassadim). But we still keep going, because this is the command of the Creator who wants us to come to Him in this form.

We only have a prayer that we want to follow the Creator with all our might. There is nothing to eat and nothing to drink, but we keep walking this path because this is what is ahead of us now. If you wait for more comfortable conditions, then nothing will work. You need to accept the conditions that the Creator gives you and continue the path until you rise to the degree of Keter, that is, to complete adhesion with the Creator from the side of Malchut.

Along the way, we go through all sorts of ups and downs, disconnections, burdening of the heart, and confusion of the mind. Success depends only on the willingness to continue. Let there be no feeling, no understanding, no guiding star ahead, and no good luck, but we are moving like an ox to the burden and the donkey to the load; we just keep going.

Whether I want or not, I continue anyway because this is my life, and no matter what happens, only in this form am I under the control of the upper one. Let him do whatever he needs to do with me. I know that this is how I am relentlessly getting closer to the goal.

The result of corporeal life is known, it is the same for everyone. The body will die, and all that remains of it is a point in the heart, the soul will rise according to the different calculations. Therefore, there is no choice except to continue.

Even if I perish in this desert, I have done everything I could with all the devotion of my soul to the Creator. I was not capable of more, and I could not do anything else, I tried to realize the potential that the Creator gave me with the point in the heart.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Following the Creator in the Desert”

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