Insects Have No Need for the Cosmos

49.01Question: When you had been with Rabash for 12 years could you see the changes taking place in the great Kabbalist?

Answer: You can’t see this. How can a small insignificant person, some kind of bug, crawling on the ground, appreciate the cosmos? It is impossible! These are completely different dimensions.

Do the students know who I am? They don’t know at all! They may be upset as they think I can do something for them but do not. They forget that everything depends on them.

They evaluate everything based on their properties and qualities; they constantly try to judge me based on themselves or them based upon me.

Comment: But there is an inner world that forms one’s external attitude to all things, including these.

My Response: No. You won’t understand or appreciate it. You can’t, it’s impossible! Trust me!

I have seen many Kabbalists who lived in the 70s, 80s, and 90s of the last century. After all, I have been studying Kabbalah for more than 40 years. These Kabbalists were outwardly simple, ordinary people: They loved jokes, humor, sports, and physical work. The only thing is they were very stubborn.

Question: But you do remember yourself during this period of your development. What changes occurred specifically in you?

Answer: It’s impossible to convey. And why? If someone is interested, he will make a spiritual transformation himself. And those not interested, will not care anyway.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who is He–Laitman?” 3/13/12

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