Recognition of the Control of Egoism

747.03After the exodus from Egypt, which symbolizes the beginning of the spiritual development of a person, there are 40 years of wandering in the desert. This wandering happens with the help of the light, with the help of the quality of bestowal, and constant resistance of egoism.

On the right side is the quality of bestowal, the Light—the revelation of the Creator—and on the left side is egoism, the Pharaoh, who is always resisting, and you are constantly restoring the control of the quality of bestowal, altruism, and love for others over the quality of egoism, self–love, and hatred for others.

Being inside Egypt is a state when, in general, you feel good in absolutely everything, except that egoism rules over you.

Today in our world we are experiencing the birth pangs, and therefore we begin to feel bad in corporeality. In principle, we go through a qualitative recognition of evil when everything is fine, but still we cannot put up with it. “What are you missing?! It seems like you have enough of everything. Some people have nothing to eat, but what is wrong with you?!” “No, I cannot stay with this. It is better to die than to live like this.”

This is the recognition of how unbearable the control of egoism is that we should feel. Then we will perceive the control of altruism, bestowal, and love as a way out toward freedom.

It cannot be expressed in words because we are talking about completely different levels of nature, different dimensions when we begin to feel everything that is happening in a completely different way.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Miracle of Birth” 4/21/12

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