Bifurcation Point of Egoism

115.06Comment: There is a constant renewal of consumer goods and technologies. For example, a new version of a computer is specially released, compared to which the old version is slower, so that people buy a new one. The same pattern of general idiocy is in everything.

My Response: This is a ball of egoism, a vanity fair in the last stages of its existence. Humanity will crush itself.

Comment: The most interesting thing is that in reality this is not done for an individual. And people understand this.

My Response: But they cannot do anything. This is how egoism works. As a result of this race, we will come to the point that we need to destroy our nature; otherwise, we will not survive. It is killing us.

Let’s say you are on good terms with others, and yet you have to sting them because such is our nature. This is like keeping a snake on your chest. It is warm and nice for the snake, but it must bite you!

So gradually we will be convinced that we must definitely do something with ourselves. But until we realize that, we will kill each other. It will be the deliberate destruction of all the foundations of civilization!

These good things that we have done for many years, we will now systematically destroy and stand before each other as savages. Figuratively speaking, we will clearly see ourselves standing against each other in animal skins, with clubs.

Comment: Previously, the wars were in close contact, but gradually they moved away, and thanks to this, the population of the Earth doubled in the 50s of the 20th century.

My Response: Of course, because we switched to the cold war. Now we are rolling back again. Then it was still considered progress. Now we have reached a certain point and must go back. But what can we do with this?

When egoism develops, it passes the bifurcation point and starts working against itself. Just like a person who eats a lot, sleeps a lot, but cannot resist it because he must fulfill his desires, although they are harmful to him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. New Items of Death” 4/21/12

Related Material:
Irrational Way
A Reasonable Attitude To Consumption
Kabbalah And The Consumer Economy, Part 5

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