Decline of the Level of Consumption

507.04The depression that envelops the world is not quenched by any yachts, villas, travel, or banquets. Of course, this depends on the level of development of countries and societies because in more developed societies it is even stronger.

The fact that the era of consumption is coming to an end is evident through the increase in the number of psychologists, psychiatrists, sedatives, drug legalization, and so on. When it comes to industry where there are people who want to profit, and the masses do not allow them to profit because they do not buy the goods they produce, this is where the problem arises!

What will those who need to add another zero to their wealth do? They have a lot of things: both weapons and power, but no one buys anything from them. How will their bank account be replenished?

They created an economy that depends only on the purchasing power of people. If you buy and throw it away, earn money again and buy and throw away, then they profit from it and that is what they need. This is what they enjoy. The fact that all of this is thrown away pollutes the Earth and depletes it of minerals does not matter. The main thing is to see an additional zero in the bank.

But what do you care? No matter how much they try to convince you that you need to buy, you no longer want to. Here is the crisis, and they do not know what to do with it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Make a Revolution” 2/10/12

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