Subjective Perception of Time

928Question: Time is usually represented as a river flowing in one direction. Some argue that time is like rain that consists of individual drops. And then our whole life looks like a set of individual frames, like a movie. How do you imagine time?

Answer: I do not imagine time; I imagine actions. For people who measure themselves by the actions they perform, time flows in a completely different way, on a different scale than for others.

Comment: If I understand correctly, time flows in the material world regardless of whether our states change or not, i.e., regardless of us.

My Response: Relative to whom does time change? Relative to me. Does my neighbor live in the same time as me or not? Or does he have a completely different scale? Therefore, it is all subjective.

We live by a mechanical clock by which we measure ourselves. But how this hour passes for him and for me, I do not know.

Question: If a Kabbalist himself consciously changes his states—hastens them, slows them down—then does he control time?

Answer: He controls time according to his connection with the Creator or his distancing from Him.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/25/22

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