When Does Shame Disappear?

294.1Any receiver of a present is ashamed when receiving it due to the disparity of form from the Root since the root does not have that form of reception.

In order to correct this, He created this world where the soul comes and clothes a body. Through engagement in Torah and Mitzvot [commandments] in order to bring contentment to his Maker, the soul’s vessels of reception are inverted into vessels of bestowal (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 4, Item 20).

With the help of the mechanism of Torah and Mitzvot [commandments], we evoke the light upon ourselves, and it changes our intentions from reception to bestowal. This brings us closer to the Creator, and then shame disappears.

Question: Why?

Answer: If we become similar to Him, where would shame come from?

Question: But nevertheless, the Creator remains the giver and we are receivers. Why does shame disappear?

Answer: If you transform the will to receive into receiving for the sake of bestowal, then you become a giver, and you do not have any feeling of shame. On the contrary, you experience a feeling of pride.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 12/4/22

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