Sake Will Not Help The Japanese

272In the News (NPR): “A controversial new Japanese government campaign is urging young people to drink more alcohol to boost the economy. It comes as young Japanese people are turning away from drinking. …

“The campaign is dubbed Sake Viva. …  Sake Viva is a contest aimed at 20 and 30-somethings to suggest new ways to make and sell alcoholic beverages.”

My Response: What are they doing it for the sake of money?! Of course, the world already goes to extremes, especially with young people. Alcohol is such that you get used to it and then you cannot live without it. It is like a drug.

Question: Let’s say people have an idea like this. How should they deploy it? You keep saying that our connection—searching for the connection with each other, and so on—will change everything. If an idea came to them to enact a different law so that the law would be about greater connection, would tax revenues and money fall into the cash register of Japan or not? What do you think?

Answer: I do not know if it would be in the form of money; I cannot say. But the situation would become better; everything would improve, not in the form of tax revenues, but in the form of the general state of society, family, and other aspects of life. Of course it would be different.

Question: Basically they are trying to solve some narrow problem. They also have family, fertility, and ecological problems, whatever. You say that there is a law that can balance everything.

Won’t the government and authorities then not have the idea that they need people to drink more?

My Response: The only question is how popular it will be, how much the Japanese will go for it. But such a closed society as Japan could try to do it.

Question: Should they conduct such an experiment on the island? What would humanity see then?

Answer: Humanity would see a huge leap in all areas of life.

Question: Would technology and Japan then be popular all over the world again?

Answer: Everything would go up.

Comment: What is your advice to the Japanese government considering everything that has been said?

My Response: Think about what you are doing. If you drive a people like the Japanese into a new pattern of alcohol consumption, after which drugs and so on will follow since  everything leads to one thing after another, it is impossible to get out of this. Especially with the Japanese character.

Therefore, I strongly advise you: take ancient Jewish wisdom as a basis, which says that only coming closer to each other of members of society will lead the entire society to prosperity and solve absolutely all problems.

Good luck with that!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/25/22

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