Mutual Guarantee Is a Lifeline

943All the forces of connection that existed in Adam HaRishon before the shattering should be revealed in our time in a negative form, in the form of separation, confrontation, hatred, and rejection. And we must gradually fix it all.

People who have a tendency to correct the world come to study the science of Kabbalah because a “point in the heart” awakens in them, a spark of unity. Thus they begin to learn how to fix the shattering.

This is a long and difficult job although we are already in its final stages. We will see how the aspiration for correction and connection will begin to unfold day by day and it will become clear to everyone in the world that it is urgently needed.

This realization will come at the expense of wars and all kinds of problems, the global crisis, which is now approaching in all forms. And all this is so that we understand that connection between us is a panacea for all problems.

We are in a closed circular system where everyone is connected to everyone. Therefore through our good and bad actions, corrections or damage, we cause changes in the entire system relative to each of its elements.

Therefore I must see salvation in the guarantee—personal, general, global, and in all spheres, in the economy, in health care, balance in nature, ecology—salvation through the guarantee in absolutely everything. Do not wait for more severe blows; those that exist today are enough to see that a tsunami is moving toward us which can wash us all off the face of the earth.

By the force of our connection we can stop this tsunami wave and prevent it from approaching. Only our unity can serve as a shield against all these storm waves that threaten to hit us. Nature—meaning, the upper force, the Creator—is already preparing all kinds of arguments for us to prove that it is worth bending down and accepting the force of the upper governance.

And in fact it is not that hard to accomplish. After all, the forces of connection and integral nature are the most powerful and common forces that can really save us from all problems. We just have to try to perceive nature as one force, as the only thing that works.

We see that in this world everything depends on a person. And in the spiritual worlds, everything depends on a spiritual person, which means on the ten, on a group of Kabbalists who are imbued with world problems, who absorb all the inhabitants of this world, and become that maternal womb from which they will be born already at a new spiritual degree and from which a new corrected world will be born.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/22, “Arvut on the Way to Lishma

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