Can a Fairy Tale Become Reality?

285.02Question: You say that Kabbalists can summon the good force that will have a positive effect on everyone. This is some kind of abstract thing, or will it still manifest itself in real physical life?

Answer: Of course it will manifest in real physical life at all its levels and will affect the relationships of people in the process of their day to day lives, economic relations, production, and consumption. Absolutely! In everything! As a person changes, everything he touches will change.

Question: So, perhaps there will be changes in what the main problem today is: insane consumption, which leads to the destruction of both the external environment and man himself?

Answer: Of course! Humans will stop behaving like a consumer. On the contrary, people will be the executor of the global system of nature, which must exist in harmony.
From KabTV’s “Conversations. Israel and its Influence on the World” 11/18/21

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