Milestones in Changing the World

917.01Question: Who before Baal HaSulam changed the world so much that it brought certain changes?

Answer: Baal Shem Tov, and before him, the Ari, and even before that Rabbi Shimon and his disciples (the authors of The Book of Zohar), before them, Moses; before Moses, Abraham, and before Abraham, Adam HaRishon.

Comment: But there were quite long periods of time between them. And now, as it turns out—Baal HaSulam…

My Response: Baal HaSulam and Rabash are practically the same. It is a bundle. Because Baal HaSulam passed this methodology only to him, and it as if did not develop further. When I brought students to Rabash and we started studying together, then he opened it up and developed it. And now, we are in essence continuing what Rabash gave us.

Question: All in all, did it matter that Rabash was the son of Baal HaSulam?

Answer: In this case, it does not mean a physical son but a spiritual one.

Question: Let’s say, the Ari lived during the Renaissance when the world concretely changed its perception. What were the additional changes in history according to the lives and deaths of great Kabbalists?

Answer: Then there were small changes, but it does not matter because all other changes were already directed toward spiritual correction. After all, you cannot exactly impose one axis upon another like spiritual development of humanity and some of its historical milestones.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How does a Kabbalist die?” 11/16/13

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