What Are the Elites Offering and What Are the Kabbalists Offering?

182.02The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by intensive development of industry, economy, and finance. Everything was fine. And then we created a great number of unnecessary professions: managers, lawyers, economists, sociologists, political scientists, etc. Moreover, if you take any city, in it  lives a population that only serves each other.

And with present technology, which we can now introduce with the development of robotics, there will simply be no need for anyone. Let’s say we leave a billion people on Earth, which is a lot, why do we need this huge mass that devours the whole natural infrastructure, flies back and forth around the world, takes holidays, works at unnecessary jobs, and nothing is being done; they have created artificial values around which they revolve.

All the media, all this huge theater of the absurd vanity fair, this must be stopped, Mother Earth will not stand it, it is necessary to reduce the population. This is how the elites reason, and they reason egoistically absolutely correctly.

And we, Kabbalists, offer the opposite way. We say that if there are proper relationships between people, there is no need to destroy anyone. We can come to such a dynamic, absolute balance with nature, where everything will be fine, and not only there will be no conflicts, but at the same time we will rise to another dimension, to another level, to a completely different area of existence, which is called the upper world.

The elites think only about how to bring the world to some kind of balance in matter, energy, and information, and to what level to reduce the population so that it exists in optimal egoistic union with each other and with the surrounding nature.

And we say that it will not be achieved anyway because they do not take into account the plan of nature. Nature has its own clear plan. And they get into the natural egoistic development of a person and think of how to readjust it.

This will not work since from the side of nature everything is planned, determined, and absolutely clearly exists under the pressure of certain conditions and laws.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Destruction of the World’s Population” 9/7/13

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