From Load to Load

525Comment: You said that if a person did not realize his function in time, then in the future it becomes a burden for them, heaviness and inability to do anything. But there is also a kind of heaviness when he did everything possible, but he was again loaded with additional Aviut (desire).

My Response: A person is burdened, but understands why, how, and what to do next. He is like a jumper who has jumped over two meters and now he has added another two centimeters.

Question: And what is the difference?

Answer: He understands which way and why it is needed. If he correctly completed the previous task, raised himself, and developed himself, then he perfectly understands where he is going next.

Question: And what is the difference between the initially set burden and the one that is given as an excess profit?

Answer: First, he is happy with the burden. If he completed the previous state correctly, the next one is desirable for him. Like that jumper who knows that he has to overcome two meters and two centimeters.

But if he began to slack off because of the previous achievement, that is, he did not finish it, did it wrong or delayed, and so on, then for him the two and two, which in any case come to him, become negative and undesirable.

He experiences them as a huge stress, as a burden in life in the form of problems at work, at home, diseases, the environment, it doesn’t matter what, all together. After all, the integral picture begins to put pressure on him with everything he depends on. His egoism, his desire to enjoy, feels negative emotions instead of positive ones he should have achieved.

If a person moving forward with the help of an integral methodology is delayed and he does not do what he should have done at the previous stage, then all sorts of haters turn against him, harassment begins, and so on. This happened even to the greatest Kabbalists.

However, do not reassure yourself that you are big and that’s why you are being badgered, try to do everything you can.

Question: What would have happened if he had implemented everything in time?

Answer: He would move forward easier and faster.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Varieties of Suffering” 10/5/13

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