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528.02Question: Can the same text or book be perceived and felt differently with each repeated reading? If so, why?

Answer: It depends only on the person. After all, two people reading the same book are in completely different states.

A book was written by a Kabbalist who felt the spiritual world and depicted the impressions of the higher state in the form of some words, sentences, and symbols. Therefore, while reading this book, we should become as similar as possible to that Kabbalist in order to at least partially enter into his state.

At the same time, we do everything that depends on us, we do what is written by our teacher as advice to students of Kabbalah: We get together, read Kabbalist sources, and then discuss these topics.

Our whole life is concentrated around Kabbalistic sources, and we strive to become as close as possible in our relations to spiritual Kelim (vessels) in full connection with each other so that we, ten people who are going to study this source together, try to reach the spiritual root, meaning the height of the person who wrote it.

We must connect with each other and become like a spiritual state in anticipation of the impact of the light on us that he revealed and described in his work.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 5/19/11

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