Reincarnations—In the Vein of Bestowal and Love

509Comment: Kabbalists write that a person in this world in a biological body (not after death) can attain the state where he changes his nature.

My Response: Nothing happens after death. It is because the death of the physical body has very little, if any, effect on the condition of the spiritual body, which we call the soul.

Question: Still a person goes through various states in this world. Do they leave any record? Does anything remain?

Answer: There remains as much as a person gives to the world.

Question: What if he just leads a normal life? He has a family on some island, he lived there for a couple of decades, and that is it. Does anything remain of him?

Answer: What can remain?

Comment: But he had worries, he loved, he suffered.

My Response: Yes, he loved money and suffered from the lack of it. That is it. This is what he has left.

Comment: But all the same, a person does not just live like that; nature does not simply create some circumstances.

My Response: He has nothing worthy of remaining.

Question: Do you want to say that it is worthy only to take care of others? That is the merit?

Answer: Yes, because if he did, it was against his nature. In this he was similar to the Creator who acts only in the spirit of bestowal and love for others.

If a person acts against his egoistic nature for the sake of some goal, for example, for the sake of attaining the Creator, then these actions are imprinted and as if develop the soul, our desires.

If a person performs actions according to his nature in which everything is already pre-established, then nothing remains because there is nothing of him in it.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/9/22

Related Material:
Reincarnations—What Remains after the Death of the Body?
Reincarnations—Living in Others
Reincarnations—What Is Left of a Person?


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