Not to Harm Your Soul

962.6Question: Let’s say a person has some material problems and he asks the Creator to sort them out somehow. Is this normal?

Answer: Do you see that it helps?

Comment: It probably helps someone, but not someone else.

My Response: In principle, no.

Question: In Kabbalistic literature it is written more strongly that you harm yourself with this. In what way exactly?

Answer: By asking for yourself, you are asking to fill up or at least calm your egoism.

Comment: Then this information should be known to everyone because people usually ask for themselves.

My Response: Let them come and study Kabbalah. In many sources it is clearly written that if a person asks for himself, then he harms his soul.

Therefore people should come and learn how to properly address the upper force and thereby direct themselves to the right goal, to good.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

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