No Mystical Powers!

250Comment: You once told me that when you watched the movie Indiana Jones, you realized the harm it brings to the world, but at the same time you said that it was a part of correction. You had a twofold attitude on this issue.

My Response: What can you do? People have to go through all phases of religious, mystical, and many other beliefs. Of course, they think that if they find some piece of wood, or a stone, or a 2,000-year-old piece of parchment, then they will receive some mystical powers from it. That is nonsense! There are no miracles in the world. Simply none!

A miracle is our ability to reach a level where we feel the more subtle forces of nature. But we must mature to their level. Just like today, if you show a Neanderthal what surrounds you, he will think that you are higher than his god. Because his god can only do this and that, and you suddenly appear on my screen and I am talking to you. This is simply connecting the worlds!

Everything is much simpler, more specific, and follows the exact laws of nature. I hope that after this round, when humanity enters into all sorts of religious excesses again, it will come out of it very quickly.

If not, then there will be religious wars. This would be the war of Gog and Magog, which can still happen in our world at the physical level. Let’s hope that it will be purely virtual.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Stages Of Development” 7/5/13

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