To Understand What Is Written in The Zohar

222The Zohar tells us about what is happening in the spiritual world, about the actions of the bestowal of creation; therefore, we cannot understand it since we are not yet able to perform such actions!

We are in our egoistic desire and know only how to receive fulfillment and pleasure and how to act in order to achieve this pleasure. And the actions that The Zohar speaks about seem to be described in some incomprehensible language, like a secret code, as if it is about something unreal: either in the language of Kabbalah, in terms of the Sefirot, Partzufim, the worlds, or as some kind of allegory where the sun, moon, mountains, people, and animals act like in a fairy tale.

None of us understand it, nor do we feel it, because we are not in the property (nature) of bestowal, but are in the property (nature) of receiving.

If we were to receive the higher, spiritual properties of bestowal and love instead of our earthly egoistic properties, we would immediately understand what The Zohar tells us, and along with its reading we would reveal the higher world. Moreover, it will be not like in an adventure novel in fantasy, but rather in reality!

However, since there are still no spiritual properties in me, what is described in The Zohar is unreal. That is why our reading of The Zohar is called “Segula,” a special technique! What is it?

We read and try to call upon ourselves forces from that world, the level that is spoken of in the Book. Even if I do not understand the text, but I want to change and I want to feel it, it “shines” on me with a “light that returns to the source” (Ohr Makif, or surrounding light).

This force acts on me and will reveal new properties in me, the properties of bestowal that are written about in The Zohar. After all, it is written entirely in the nature of bestowal, not of receiving, and only according to the nature of bestowal can one understand what is written there.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/29/10, Shamati “To Understand the Words of The Holy Zohar

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