Medicine at the Service of Business

600.01Comment: I have heard of such cases when a person seems to be terminally ill, doctors predict that he has very little time left to live, and somehow suddenly he is cured.

My Response: Firstly, it depends on the person. Secondly, with respect to medicine, there is nothing to talk about at all. Health care workers themselves do not understand how pharmacologists fool them. They shove all sorts of nonsense in front of them, and they already work according to this nonsense, just as economists do not understand what they are supposedly given in the economic theories they nonetheless work according to.

Both are absolute lies. The same economy and the same medicine, but with completely different drugs, different attitudes, different data, and facts about all diseases! And all this fanaticism is just for the sake of business. Only just! Otherwise, there would be no additional billions for those who already have a lot of them.

Anyway, my words will not help anyone. This will be revealed gradually in the future. People should reveal evil to the extent that they can cope with, realize, understand, and accept it. If not, it will only bring them completely useless suffering.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Cause of All Diseases” 7/23/13

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