The Truth Will Manifest Itself in the Future

294.2Question: What should we do so that on the one hand we don’t get into trouble in dissemination, and at the same time understand that there is a Creator in this?

Answer: This is our job.

What do you mean, don’t get into trouble? I don’t get into trouble; I don’t specifically speak out against anyone. I express the correct natural point of view, the truth. And if it doesn’t go somewhere with someone in the same line, I don’t take it into account because I don’t even take into account that someone will disagree with me. I don’t get into conflicts with anyone.

In my blog I usually publish someone’s opinion and then I write why, from my point of view, this is not so. But at the same time I do not ridicule the author, but rather position myself as a Kabbalist and say that my remark is to give my assessment from the point of view of Kabbalah.

I don’t humiliate people, but, on the contrary, I respect them. From my point of view they are wrong and from their point of view I am completely wrong. So what? Where is the truth?

The truth in the story will manifest itself in the future. I’m not trying to convince anyone. I don’t even have that inner urge to make someone think like me. It’s impossible.

A person should come to this by himself, by awareness, experiences, internal struggle, and searches, and not by the fact that I would put pressure on him and he would change his mind. Is it possible to correct the world by doing this?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Protection from Enemies” 8/22/13

Related Material:
The Truth Above All
Become The Truth
Is The World Within Me Or Outside Of Me?

Spiritual Protection

212Question: Do you have any protection against physical attacks?

Answer: I do have spiritual protection. I am under the influence of the same upper force; what it wants, it will do according to its plan.

I am obliged to give out the maximum of what I can at every moment. The maximum! I consider myself to be authorized to do this by my teacher, by all the Kabbalists, and by all those sufferings that are coming toward us all.

Question: Have you ever been threatened?

Answer: I do not know how to answer this question, but for me it is not a threat.

I am facing the Creator! Each of us is in front of Him. But the fact that I entrust myself to Him gives me such peace that I am calm in the face of the greatest dangers.

This is constant work because you are constantly given all kinds of doubts, descents, and various events just to force you to work on yourself and to elevate faith above reason.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Protection From Enemies” 8/22/13

Related Material:
How To Protect Yourself From The Evil Eye
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Work
A Lifeline In The Flow Of Life

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/30/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “All Your Actions Will Be for the Sake of the Creator”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Gatehouse of Intentions”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

“What are disadvantages of marrying your first love?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What are disadvantages of marrying your first love?

Marrying our first love does not guarantee a good marriage.

We usually encounter several mistakes, breakages, arguments and perhaps also divorces, and only later, at an age closer to the end rather than the beginning, do we perhaps meet someone and start appreciating the marital connection.

People usually change since the time they had their first love. Their ideas of connection, closeness and relationships become totally different.

We need to go through hard times, ups and downs, the destruction of previous states that we lived through, and we can then cherish our relationships.

In short, after we meet, we need to learn a lot about ourselves, go through alternating positive and negative experiences and encounter states of desperation in the process, and then we understand how to build a life where we strive solely for positive relations. We need to accumulate an arsenal of various negative sensations and states, and only afterward can we avoid them. It is like storing weapons for a period, entering into a war, and then casting the weapons aside after the war.

As it is with partners, so it is with humanity in general. Humanity is now accumulating various weapons, and then it will understand they need to be cast aside. All wars take place for this purpose.

There can be no good without the recognition of evil, whether in our individual lives, between couples, or in the world in general.

Therefore, the advice for young couples is to have very long and nagging conversations with each other, where each partner spills out everything that they think about their partner, like two researchers, and gradually, little by little, they will be able to reach a state where they will mutually explore themselves and one another.

Life then becomes interesting. It turns into research of how can we can improve our relationships from one day to the next, how to change them in order to continually come closer together, and we regularly try to discover each other’s qualities, feelings and the relationship in general as vibrantly as possible.

For the time being, such relationships take a long time to build, say about fifty or sixty years, but the time will come when all people will live in such a way. Until then, we need to encourage young couples and people in general to go through a form of education that teaches and encourages them to treat relationships similarly to a research lab, where we can constantly seek how to improve our relationships, changing ourselves in order to get closer and more positively connected to each other above all forms of destruction that can emerge in our lives. It is indeed possible and doable, and the more such connection-enriching learning spreads throughout human society, the quicker and easier we will all be able to progress through all negative states with more awareness and understanding.

Based on the video “Does Marrying Your First Love Guarantee a Good Marriage?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.