How to Understand the Original Sources

209Comment: It happens that after a lesson on the The Study Of The Ten Sefirot a student would say: “I have been sitting in a lesson on TES for two hours and I do not feel anything, although I try very hard.”

My Response: You cannot do anything. He may sit for two more hours or two more years. It is not going to go away that easily. Until the property of bestowal appears in him, he will not feel TES.

Comment: When we started to study The Zohar, there was a feeling that an unusual thing was being revealed to us. At least people thought so.

My Response: Because they thought that now all sorts of miracles would be revealed to them, the heavens would open, something theatrical and divine would happen.

But it turned out that The Zohar speaks of what a person who opens himself understands. After all, a person himself needs to open up for this. If this does not happen, The Zohar remains a hidden book. That is why it is said to be a secret. And how to open it? Open yourself up, and then you will see that to the extent that this happens, it opens up in you.

Comment: But people felt it as some kind of internal vibration.

My Response: It is just some “childish” excitement. That is all. Pure human impression.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Proper Application of Effort“ 4/20/13

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