There Is Really No Death

627.2Comment: Oleg wrote to you: “Still, it’s scary to die. I’ve been watching your shows non-stop for almost a year now. It’s like a drug. While I’m watching, it’s not scary. But as soon as I leave the computer, I just return to my family, news, illness; it’s scary right away. The transition is scary that I will suddenly be gone. And the fuss around the disease is imposing fear. Even though you understand that there is no hope, you still bustle. I don’t want to leave like this; I want to leave with dignity. But there is no strength.”

By the way, a lot of people write that our broadcasts and your explanations give them a lot of strength. That’s for sure.
So, what can we say to Oleg?

My Response: There is nothing to worry about. Nothing begins and nothing ends; everything just goes on. As a person finishes with this relation, with this picture of life, another picture begins to sprout.

Question: Why is a person given this feeling of fear, of transition?

Answer: It helps them to break away from themselves a little, and then a little more. And so, during several such transitions, he will begin to perceive the rejection of his egoistic self more and more correctly.

Question: And this calm, which, let’s say, people get when you explain things, should they calmly accept the explanation and then depart?

Answer: Of course, yes. Nothing ends in nature. There is no end, and everything just flows from one picture to another.

Question: And what is death then?

Answer: There is no death. Actually none.

Question: And what is being broadcast to us, what is it? You said the main thing is to break away from the “I.” Is it our “I” that broadcasts?

Answer: Yes, relax and free yourself.

Question: Is this how a person should depart?

Answer: Certainly.

Question: So you’re saying he doesn’t even go anywhere?

Answer: If he knows how to do it, then he does not leave.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/2/22

Related Material:
Rise Above the Body!
Fear Of Death And Incarnations
Life Under The Shadow Of The Fear Of Death

One Year for Three

294.1Question: When you studied Kabbalah, you did not have a group; there was only a teacher. How did you hold on to the importance of the goal in order not to regress in any circumstance?

Answer: It is a different path without a group. It is much more difficult and less effective. After all, I have not advanced at the pace that people who come to us today are advancing. It took me several years to grasp what a beginner grasps in six months or a year.

A person masters the initial stage that one goes through today three times faster than me and those who studied with Rabash. One year for three. What I comprehended in three years, our beginner comprehends in a year.

He gets intensively involved in the work, in understanding, in the system, and in the group. He is drawn into this all, receives explanations, and absorbs material through all the pores. If a person goes through a serious yearly practice with us, then in principle he lays down the foundations for the correction of the soul.

And then it depends on the person. But I believe that at least the first year is a necessary and sufficient condition to become a beginner Kabbalist. After that, if he decides, let him become a Kabbalist, that is, let him start working with himself.

I think that according to the measure of its expansion in the world and how it deepens into us, the preparation period will get shorter. People will start to absorb everything very quickly because it will be perceived through the surrounding ether, through the air.

Such surroundings will be created and such waves will affect us so that everything will seem to be clear! It’s like how children who are born today start playing with phones and computers already from the cradle. What I can’t do is nothing to them.

“How do you know what to do? Did you study somewhere?”

“Why study? Everything is clear anyway.”

That is, their internal logic is built according to what was created by other people in the last generation or a few years before their birth. It will be the same here.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Various Kabbalah” 2/22/13

Related Material:
The Correct Spiritual Path
Time Of Accelerated Awareness
Preparation Period: A Voucher To The Spiritual Life

“Will war ever stop?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Will war ever stop?

War will stop on one condition: that we will want to determine connection as being better than separation, and love as being more important than hatred.

In such a state, there will be no “mine and yours,” but everything will belong to all of us equally. While it could be argued that there were failed models of governing society in the past that exercised such a principle, it is not that those models themselves failed, rather the corrupt egoistic human nature is what failed.

We thus need to correct our egoistic human nature so that it would prioritize benefiting others over benefiting itself. That is possible by increasing the importance of connection and love over separation and hatred through our myriad social and educational influences.

When we correct human nature, then we will want to be together with everyone. By doing so, we will gain a sensation of boundlessness: we will stop being limited by our current limits of separating mine from yours, and perceive that we own everything. That is, the correction of our nature is a correction of how we perceive ourselves, others and the world around us, and we will likewise see an end to all war when such a correction takes effect.

Based on the video “Will There Ever Be an End to Wars and Struggles?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.