Freedom of Choice and Reward

527.03Question: When a person feels the control of the upper force, he clearly sees the reward and punishment. If so, where is his freedom of choice?

Answer: Freedom of choice is always to at least ask what else I can do to bring my qualities, actions, thoughts, and desires closer to equivalence of form with the Creator.

Question: Does a person who reveals the Creator clearly see punishment and reward?

Answer: Yes and no. It depends on what is best for his development. Either he conceals it from himself and does not want to see it so that his relationship is more honest and elevated or, vice versa, he does not conceal it from himself and checks how much it affects him in order to raise himself even higher, to a state where the result of the action will not affect his attitude.

Question: It turns out that the goal of the upper force is to separate our actions from the result so that there is no connection. Why?

Answer: You will not be able to act in bestowal if it depends on the result. The reward should be from the process itself.

If I am now trying to unite with other people or strive for the revelation of the upper force, then the process itself is the reward.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 5/31/22

Related Material:
How Is Freedom Of Choice Realized?
Freedom And Ascent In Spirituality
Freedom Of Choice, Part 5

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